Mentally Chill
Welcome to your safe space to be messy, weird, dark, nervous, and excited! The purpose of "Mentally Chill" is to promote mental health awareness and normalize the highs and lows of life. We're spreading awareness one story at a time from real people with real struggles. Additionally, this is a place to get the inside scoop on mental health resources (therapy, medication, etc.), and find out what it's really like to ask for help. Also, we laugh a lot. Because life is hard, but it's also quite funny. Thank you for choosing to be here, you are where you need to be.
Mentally Chill
8. Soft Serve Sessions (pt 1) l Carly Potomic & Grant Horun
Emily Shlapak
Gather 'round for the Soft Serve Sessions with my two college buds Carly & Grant! I decided to ditch the interview style for a sec to experiment with a more discussion-based episode. We run the gamut in this one - covering topics like men's mental health, vices, getting cheated on, and being adopted. Join us for the informal kickback that is the Soft Serve Sessions! Xoxo
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Instagram: @the_mentallychill
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091640934589